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Company settings for your account are accessible only to users with the Admin and Company Owner roles. (Settings -> Company).
This setting applies to the entire company, not just your individual account.
Here you choose the Name of your account (your company) and the country. The time zone is automatically selected based on the country.
Within localization, you can customize Costlocker to your needs.
The default language of your company. The invitations to new users are sent in the selected language.
Why do we support Czech language?
We're often asked, why we support Czech language. Costlocker was founded in Czech Republic (EU) and our HQ is still there. That's why we still keep Czech language support.
Week Starts On
Here you can choose which day the week starts (usually Sunday). This day will then appear as the first day in calendars.
Date Format
You can select the date format from the following options (in the example, working with September 15, 2024):
9 15, 2024
15. 9. 2024
Time Format
Choose between a 12-hour and a 24-hour format, i.e., displaying as 21:05 or 9:05 respectively.
Number Format
Here you can set how numbers will be displayed
For thousands - whether they are separated by a dot, comma, or space
For decimal separation - whether to use a dot or a comma
Default Currency
The currency in which you will work in Costlocker.
Currency Format
Set the currency format - whether the symbol appears before or after the number, whether with or without a space.
Basic project settings
Critical Limit
This is a warning when employees exceed 80% of the original project time estimate. (They have tracked more than 80% of the estimate.)
By default, it is set to 80%, but you can change this limit according to your needs.
Use Generated Project ID
This option will always automatically pre-fill the generated Project ID with every new project.
Allow Invoicing Higher Than Revenue for Ongoing Projects
By checking this option, you will be able to invoice an amount higher than the total revenue of the project.
We do not recommend using this option because the billed amount will not match the total revenue.
Automatically Save Transitions Between Tabs to Save Changes Made There
This option ensures that all changes in project editing are automatically saved when switching between its tabs, without having to click the save button.
Allow Users to Create Clients When Creating a New Project
By checking this option, you allow users to create new Clients directly when creating a project.
Allow Users to Create Activities When Creating a New Project
By checking this option, you allow users to create new Activities directly when creating a project.
Enabling the creation of activities and clients in the Project form can lead to duplication.
It often happens that one user names a client as Smarticon another as Smarticon Ltd. or Smartico PLC. Similarly, people may duplicate activities like Supervising, Construction Supervising, Site Supervision, all meaning the same thing to you, and you want to see them as a single activity in the report.
By enabling the option to Display and Search by ID, you will see the project ID in the selection in the Time Tracking module.