Business Reports
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Business reports display the profitability and workload of individuals over a certain period.
This report pertains only to personnel and does not include project expenses. The project expenses report is described in a separate article.
You can find business reports in the section Your Company -> Business Reports.
Workload: Shows how effectively we have utilized hourly capacity. (Based purely on hours).
Profitability: Displays the profitability of our company from various perspectives. (Unlike Workload, here we deal with finances, not just hours.)
You can switch between these reports using the double-button Workload | Profit.
The business workload report shows us a view of tracked vs. estimated hours.
Estimated hours are those assigned to individuals in projects and should be worked within the selected time range.
This report also shows the number of hours that people have exceeded (Exceeded Estimates).
You can also filter selected items by clients, activities, and other metrics.
You can change the way of grouping in the view.
For example, we can look at workload by individual Groups or Activities, as seen in the following example.
We can look at the same data from a financial perspective—switch from Workload to Profit.
You can also customize the view from various perspectives using filters.
For example, we can sort employees by the highest profit in the previous month.
Similarly, we can switch to displaying profitability by individual activities in previous months.
Detailed View of Profitability
By clicking the Detailed button, you can display a detailed view of how the amounts are composed.
Here we see how income was calculated—that is, how many billable hours and what client rate was sold. Also, costs—how many hours were worked, including the sum of the hourly rate and overhead cost.
Business Report - Profitability by Clients
In the given example, we see a client "Super Water" with income but zero cost.
This is because the project for that client had an end date in the previous month and no tracked hours. In the budget type Time Estimates, Costlocker counts estimated hours as billable, from which income is calculated. And since there were no hours worked, we have zero labor cost here.
A similar report for a specific individual can be displayed in the People module. Select a specific person and click on Business Reports. Then views on the Workload, Salary, and Profit of that person are displayed.