User Roles

In Costlocker, we have four basic user roles: Account Owner, Admin, Manager, and Employee. In this article, we'll describe the differences between them.


Has access only to the Time Tracking and Timesheet modules.

The user can only see the tasks they are assigned to, their time estimates, and the time they have worked on these tasks. They may or may not see the Timesheet of everyone in the company.

Employees do not have access to any financial metrics.


A Manager has access to selected projects and related reports based on the settings. This is detailed further in the table below.


Has full access to all Costlocker functionalities. The only sections they cannot manage are Subscription and Overhead Budget Settings.

Account Owner

Has access and can edit absolutely everything. Unlike an Admin, the Account Owner can manage the Subscription section, where they have access to invoices and payment details. Additionally, they can edit the Overhead Budget Settings.

There can only be one Account Owner at any time.

Permissions for Roles

For a clearer display of each role's capabilities, we present the table below.

Optional settings are described below on this page.

RoleEmployeeManagerAdminAccount Owner


Own Entries

Others' Entries

Edit Others' Entries










Project Revenue

Project Profit Margin


Project Expenses





Activate / Deactivate

Salaries and Bonuses

Your Company




Project Expenses

Business Reports

Overhead Costs

Overhead Budget Settings


Subscription Management

Edit Billing Details

Change Payment Card

View Invoices

Employee Role Options

For the Employee role, we have only one option: Can view the timesheets of all people in your company.

Employee role settings

This option allows viewing all time entries of all people in your Costlocker account. Employees cannot edit others' time entries.

Manager Role Options

The Manager user role has several extended user settings. Let's take a look at them below.

For Managers, we first select which projects they have access to and then determine which information they can access within those projects.

Projects and Clients Visible to the Manager

Assigned Projects, Clients If a Manager has access only to assigned projects, they can only see projects where they are set as the Responsible Person and the clients associated with these projects.

All In this setting, the Manager has access to all projects and can manage all clients in your account.

Manager role setting options

Financial Metrics Visible to the Manager

Revenue A Manager in a project only sees the revenue portion of the budget for people. They do not see the cost side of the project, nor do they have access to salaries and hourly rates of your team members.

Project detail with Revenue visibility

Profit Margin If you allow the Manager to see the profit margin, it will be available in the project overview.

Project detail with Profit Margin visibility

Profit, Costs When set to Profit, Costs, the user sees all costs and revenues in the project. Unlike an Admin, they do not have access to the Rates tab.

Project detail with visibility Profit, Costs

If a Manager has access to a project, they always see revenues and costs in the Project Expenses of that project.

Allowed Actions

View, Edit

A Manager can both view and edit, and create projects and clients, including timesheets.

View Only

A Manager can only view projects, clients, and timesheets. They cannot perform any actions or create new projects.

Last updated