Project Detail
Project Detail
The project detail contains the following tabs:
Project Overview In the overview, you'll find a quick snapshot of the current state of the project, its financial and time metrics, and a simple timeline.
Report The report offers a straightforward display of financial indicators by individual activities and team members. It shows you where you're making profits on activities or team members in the project and where you might be nearing budget limits.
Alerts Here, you'll see alerts—if you're approaching the exhaustion of time budgets or if the time allocation has already been depleted, we'll notify you.
Cost Estimate Cost Estimate is the budget you created for the project. It consists of the budget for team members work and the budget for project expenses.
Billing An overview of the project's billing. Here you can plan your billing and track what and when you need to bill.
Rates In the Rates overview, you can clearly see how much each team member's work costs you and how much you bill the client for their work. You can also see a separate column for overhead costs allocated to individual team members.
Business Reports The Business Reports tab redirects you to the Business Reports module. These provide you with an independent view of the profitability of individual team members within the project.
Timesheet The Timesheet tab redirects you to the Timesheet module with the selected project. Here, you'll see how much time each person has spent on this project. You can also export a simple report for the client.
Notes Notes serve to store additional information about the project. You can easily jot down quick notes and include links to related project resources.
Last updated